

The Untold Story of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation

The Corporation is under the leadership of the Director- General, assisted by the Deputy Director-General and 12 Directors of various Divisions. The Divisions are namely;

History of GBC: Sir Arnold Hodson

Sir Arnold Wienholt Hodson


Broadcasting began in Ghana on July 31st, 1935 from a wired relay station opened in Accra. The brain behind the introduction of broadcasting into the country was the then Governor of the Gold Coast,Sir Arnold Hodson, affectionately known as the “Sunshine Governor”.

He was ably assisted by a British radio engineer, Mr. F.A.W. Byron. By 1700GMT on that historic day, gramophone records comprising of martial and light music were relayed and exactly 1745GMT the voice of Sir Arnold Hodson came through to break the tension and the suspense with this explicit message:

“One of the main reasons for introducing the Relay Service is to bring News, Entertainment and Music into the homes of all and sundry. This will bring to an end the barriers of isolation and ignorance in the path of progress and also to enable the people of Gold Coast to improve on their very rich cultural music”.

The new broadcasting Service was code-named Radio “ZOY”. It was manned by eight technicians and housed in a small Bungalow on 9th Road near the Ridge Police Station in Accra.

Broadcasting first begun in four Ghanaian languages namely Fanti, Twi, Ga, Ewe and later Hausa. Part-time staff were engaged to translate and announce the news in these languages until 1943 when full-time staff were appointed. Between 1946 and 1953, the Organisation was administered by the Public Relation Department, now the Information Services Department.

On the recommendation of a commission set up in 1953, the Gold Coast Broadcasting System (GCBS) was established and from there it became a department in its own right.

#On attainment of independence in 1957, the Gold Coast was renamed Ghana and the GCBS became Ghana Broadcasting Service (GBS). The legislation that basically set up GBC as an establishment was National Liberation Council Decree number 226(NLCD226) of 1968.

1935 : Radio ZOY Established (BH-1)
1939-40 : British Government built BH-2 (now known as Old House)
1943 : Local Languages broadcast introduced
1946 : Information Service Department handled Administration of GBC
1953 : Gold Coast Broadcasting System Established as a Department
1955 : Establishment of Engineering Training School
1956 : Audience Research Department set up
1956 : GBC News unit set up
1958 : Broadcasting House (BH-3) built
1960 : Mr.W.F.Coleman appointed first Ghanaian D-G
1961 : External Service
1962 : GBC Reference Library established
1965 : GTV inaugurated
1965 : Rural Broadcasting introduced
1966 : Television Licensing Decree, N.L.C.D 89
1967 : Commercial Broadcasting introduced
1971 : Public Relations Department set up
1975 : Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (Amendment) Decree, N.R.C.D 334
1985 : Colour Television Introduced
1985 : URA Radio established
1986 : Accra FM Radio established
1987 : Apam fm station commissioned
1989 : Installation of satellite TV dish to receive CNN
1991 : Television Licensing Regulations, LI 1520
1994 : Dormaa Ahenkro Community station commissioned
1994 : Twin-city radio commissioned
1995 : Radio GAR now Uniiq Fm goes stereo
1995 : Radio Savanna commissioned
1996 : Radio Central commissioned
1996 : Radio Volta Star commissioned
1997 : Installation of satellite TV dish to receive Deutshe welle
1997 : Installation of satellite TV dish to receive Worldnet
1998 : Installation of satellite TV dish to receive CFI
2001 : Radio BAR commissioned
2001 : Radio Upper West commissioned
2002 : Radio GAR re-commissioned to Uniiq FM
2002 : Radio Obonu FM commissioned
2002 : Radio Sunrise FM commissioned
2010 : Pilot Digital Terrestrial Transmission DTT(MPEG2, DVB-T)started
2010 : DDT Committee Inaugurated
2010 : Upgrading and Expansion of DTT (MPEG2, DVB-T)to Greater Accra, parts of Central, Eastern and Ashanti Regions
2010 : GBC marks Diamond Jubilee
2010 : GTV Sports (All Sports Digital Channel)established
2011 : GBC24 (24hours News Digital Channel) established
2011 : Obonu Fm marks 10th Anniversary
2011 : GBC Life (All Life Digital Channel)established
2014 : GTV Govern Digital Channel Established
2014 : Obonu TV Digital Channel Established
2014 : GBC Digital Set Top Boxes Launched
2015 : GBC celebrates 80th Anniversary
2015 : TV Licence Fee revised from 30p to 36 Ghana Cedis a year

  1. Mr. J. B. Millar – 1954-1960
  2. Mr. W. F. Coleman – 1960-1970
  3. Mr. S. B. Mfodwo – 1970-1972
  4. Lt Col. J. Y. Assasie – 1975-1981
  5. Mr. Kwame Karikari – 1982-1984
  6. Mr. L.W. FiiFi Hesse – 1972-1975 & 1984 – 1990
  7. Mr. George Aryee – 1991–1992
  8. Mr. David Anaglate – 1992–1995
  9. Dr. Kofi Frimpong – 1995–1999
  10. Mr. Adanusa – 1999–2000
  11. Mr. Seth Ago – Adjetey – 2000 – 2002
  12. Madam Eva Lokko – 2002–2005
  13. Mr. Yaw Owusu Addo – 2005 – 2007
  14. Mr. William Ampem-Darko – 2007 – 2010
  15. Mr. Kwabena Sarpong-Anane – Nov 2010 – Oct 2011
  16. Mr. Berifi Afari Apenteng – Nov. 2011 – March 2013
  17. Major Albert Don-Chebe (Rtd)- May 2013 – May 2016
  18. Dr. Kwame Akuffo Anoff-Ntow – November 2016 –
  19. Prof. Amin Alhassan October 1 2019–Present

The Ghana Broadcasting Corporation is a giant electronic media (Radio and Television) organization tasked with a mission to lead the broadcasting industry through quality programming, which promotes the development and cultural aspirations of Ghana as well as undertaking viable commercial activities


To lead the broadcasting and communication industry through quality programming, which promotes the development and cultural aspirations of Ghana


To be the authentic and trusted voice of Ghana